Michael Palin in "The death of Stalin"

Friday, 20th October, 2017
It was yesterday, 20th October 2017, Death Of Stalin Day, as decreed by The Central Commissariat for the Purveying of Entertaining Images to the Glorious Cinemagoers Of Britain!
"What a great group of faces to be alongside. All excellent in the film and absolutely the best to work with. I'd like to have seen Simon Russell Beale up there too, and Andrea Riseborough and Paul Whitehouse and well, everyone else in the film. There's really no station long enough to do justice to the strength in depth of that cast. And of course, our leader, Armando, who with David Schneider and Ian Martin and Peter Fellowes made sure no-one had a dud line!"
"I'm relieved that the film's gone public at last. We've had some great reviews but sometimes they can raise expectations. Now it's over to you. Don't let my (lightly photo-shopped) face put you off. And take lots of friends!"
~ Michael Palin
Sourse: www.themichaelpalin.com